Flowering Elephant Ear

Flowering elephant ear
These tropical beauties, like other plants, will bloom when they reach maturity and receive the perfect growing conditions. Most gardeners remove any flowers that form so all the energy can go into producing more attractive leaves.
Are elephant ear flowers rare?
They are a rare sight in most gardens, but in warm climates, established plants may develop a spathe and spadix, which house the male and female flowers. Once pollinated, they develop into fruits filled with many little seeds. The seed pods on an elephant ear plant must be cracked open to reveal the numerous seeds.
How often do elephant ear plants bloom?
The growth expected from elephant ears is moderate. During the active growing season you can expect around 1 leaf every month or slightly less than this. If you notice that your plant hasn't produced any new growth in the past 6 months then it might not be very happy for some reason.
Do elephant ears have a blooming flower?
Although elephant ears are grown primarily as foliage plants, they can bloom – but flowers are not common in the Midwest. The inflorescences are the typical aroid type with a white to yellow or light green spathe surrounding the spadix.
Should I cut off elephant ear flower?
Elephant ears will only bloom when they reach maturity (usually by the third growing season) and if they have perfect growing conditions. Most gardeners remove any flowers that form so all the energy can go into producing more attractive leaves.
Should I let my Alocasia flower?
SHOULD I LET MY ALOCASIA FLOWER? I would recommend always cutting off your Alocasia inflorescences as soon as you spot them. What is this? The reason is that your plant will expend energy sustaining that growth, and most of us would rather redirect the plant's energy into foliage growth instead.
Do elephant ear flowers come back every year?
Most elephant's ears are perennials and will come back every summer in the Lower, Coastal, and Tropical South. Some are perennials in the lower part of the Middle South. They like the soil to be relatively dry in winter.
Do elephant ear flowers smell?
Like other Elephant Ears, Odora yields flowers that develop in the long, warm days and nights of late spring through summer. However, unlike most varieties, the blossoms don't go unnoticed. The pale peach blooms possess a delightful fragrance that's exceptionally strong at night.
How long does it take for elephant ears to flower?
When do elephant ear plants sprout? Elephant ears usually sprout three to eight weeks from planting. Sprouting occurs when the weather begins to warm in spring. They will sprout faster in warmer climates than in cooler climates.
How do you take care of elephant ear flowers?
Avoid low lighting levels as much as possible. Some darker velvety leafed or iridescent types can tolerate medium to low natural light. Water: Water well and then allow the top 2-6cm of soil to dry out before watering again. Water the plant less frequently in winter when it is dormant or not growing actively.
Do elephant ears bulbs multiply?
Dividing elephant ear plants is an easy way to propagate your plant, and multiply your elephant ear plants. Elephant ear plants spread out and grow by putting out runners from the parent plant. These runners will then come to the surface and start growing as pup/offshoots of the parent plant.
Do elephant ear plant bulbs multiply?
Elephant ears reproduce by division of corms, which come from their tubers. Not all cultivars available today produce tubers, but you can easily propagate those that do by cutting the tuber into pieces, each with a corm on it, similar to the eyes of a potato.
What do elephant ear flowers smell like?
Like all aroids, including peace lily, anthurium, Jack-in-the-pulpit, caladium, etc, an elephant ear “flower“ (spathe and spadix) exudes a fragrance to attract flies, beetles, and other pollinators. Some aroids smell like dead meat, some like rotten butter.
Can I leave my elephant ears in the ground?
Hardiness Zones 7-11 In these Hardiness Zones, your Elephant Ears can stay in the ground but should be covered to protect them throughout the winter months. Let the stems of your plants die back naturally with the frost. Cutting them can lead to rot. Cover your plants with chopped-up leaves and lawn grass.
Do elephant ears like full sun or shade?
Sun or Shade: Elephant ears will grow in sun or shade. If you put them in a hot, sunny location, make sure they get a little shade during the middle of the day. Zone: Elephant ears are tropical plants. In zones 9-11 they can be grown outdoors year-round.
What happens if you touch an elephant ear plant?
Elephant Ears are poisonous to children. Touching the stems or leaves can cause skin irritation and possibly a rash and itching. Eating the leaves, stems, or sap can cause a burning sensation in the mouth and throat and lead to swelling.
What happens if you plant an elephant ear bulb upside down?
If a bulb is planted upside down, it will simply take an extra day or two to reach the surface. If after deliberating over which end is the top and you still can't tell, plant the bulb on its side.
How long do elephant ear plants last?
Special Note: Begonia tubers gradually get better each year for about 8 years, and then die. Replace with newly purchased tubers. Lift: Before hard frost as the leaves decline (typically October). Special Note: Storage works well for 2-3 years, after that corms will begin to decline and you will need to buy new corms.
Do Alocasias go dormant after flowering?
Your Alocasia will go through a dormant period in the winter months. During dormancy, keep your Alocasia in a warmer spot in your home. Reduce the frequency of watering but do not allow the potting mix to completely dry out. The plant will naturally come out of dormancy in the spring, when you'll notice new growth.
Can I cut off the dracaena flower stalk?
Can I cut off the Dracaena flower stalk? Yes, you can cut off the flower stalk. Remember, while the plant is flowering it is putting its energy into the flowers and not in the stems or other parts of the plant.
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