Ficus Elastica Burgundy Care

Ficus elastica burgundy care
A Burgundy Rubber Plant is fairly low maintenance and easy to care for. It's important to give this tropical plant a lot of bright indirect light and a decent amount of water. However, they don't like to sit in too much water so it's important to repot it in well drained potting mix.
How often do you water burgundy Rubber Plant?
How often should you water a Rubber Tree? It is best to water your Rubber Tree every 1-2 weeks, allowing the soil to dry out between waterings. Opt for the more frequent end of the range when the plant is receiving more light, such as in spring or summer, and in the fall or winter, reduce the frequency.
Should I mist my burgundy Rubber Plant?
As a native to the tropics, your Rubber Plant will appreciate you misting its leaves to increase humidity—especially when it gets very warm in the summer. Misting regularly also helps to keep mites (damaging insects) from making themselves at home on the leaves.
Do rubber plants need direct sunlight?
Bright, indirect light is ideal for growing the Rubber Plant, however they are unusually tolerant of lower light spaces for a ficus. To keep the plant happiest though, it is commonly recommended to place it by a southern facing window with sheer curtains for the brighter light to filter through.
Where do you put a Ficus Burgundy?
For the Burgundy rubber tree being grown outdoors, it helps to plant in a shaded area with access to bright light. As the Burgundy ficus matures, it should be able to withstand the harsh rays of direct sunlight.
Can Ficus Burgundy tolerate low light?
Your Burgundy Rubber Tree prefers bright indirect light. Direct sunlight in the morning or late afternoon is fine, but avoid harsh midday sun which may cause leaf scorch. This plant does not tolerate low light. Water when 50%-75% of the soil volume is dry.
Can I water my rubber plant with tap water?
Prior to watering, allow tap water to sit for a few hours to allow chlorine to evaporate and the water to come to room temperature. This causes less shock to the plant than icy water. When watering a rubber plant, drench the soil completely until excess moisture runs out the drainage holes.
How do I know if my rubber plant is happy?
It likes just the right amount of sun and water. If you can give it just the right amount of both, you'll have a happy, strong and tall rubber tree. Rubber plants will tell you if they need more sunlight or water if they start to drop their lower leaves.
Where should I place a rubber plant in my house?
Rubber plants thrive with bright, indirect sunlight. Ideally, they should receive morning light from an east-facing window. Place your plant near a window where a sheer drape or curtain filters the light. Avoid placing your rubber plant in a spot that receives direct sunlight because the leaves can begin to burn.
Are rubber plants hard to keep alive?
Rubber plants are easy to care for and can grow quickly under the right conditions. They're sturdy, tolerant and simple to please. Keep their soil slightly moist, make sure they get plenty of sunshine, and if you're at a comfortable temperature, they'll be comfortable too.
How often should I water my Ficus Elastica?
Weekly waterings are typically ample as they allow the plant a period to dry out and breathe, but in the winter months watering frequency will likely need to decrease to every two weeks to avoid overwatering. When watering, avoid splashing the leaves, as this can cause stains.
How do you encourage a rubber plant to grow?
Here are 3 options you have when pruning your rubber plant to encourage bushier growth:
- Cut it off and discard. If you don't wish to propagate your plant, prune your rubber plant and discard the parts that you chopped off.
- Propagate in water or soil.
- Air layer your plant before cutting it off.
Do ficus need a big pots?
For the best chance of success, plant your ficus in a pot that is two or three inches larger than the grower's pot that it came in from the nursery. Make sure the pot has drainage—there are a lot of pots out there that look pretty but are closed at the bottom.
How do you make a ficus happy?
Ficus love bright, indirect sunlight and lots of it. Your plant will enjoy spending time outside during the summer, but protect the plant from direct sunlight unless it's been acclimated to it. During winter, keep your plant away from drafts and don't allow it to stay in a room that falls below 55-60 degrees F.
How big do burgundy rubber plants get?
The leaves can reach up to 12" long and 4" wide. The new foliage emerges red before maturing. Mature plants can reach up to 40' tall with a similar spread. As a potted houseplant, plants can reach around 10' tall with a similar spread.
Why is my burgundy ficus dropping leaves?
Seasonal changes. As the seasons change your Ficus will react to the changes in light, temperature and humidity by dropping its leaves. This is a normal part of the plant's life cycle and can be averted by continuing to water the plant, heating the home and misting the plant to maintain humidity.
Why is my burgundy rubber plant dropping leaves?
So if your Rubber Tree is dropping leaves, the first step is to assess its location and make sure it is not situated near any appliance that causes drafts or fluctuations in temperature: ACs, vents, heaters and frequently opened and closed doors can all cause temperature shifts that may affect your Rubber Tree's
Do ficus trees like small pots?
Ficus plants prefer to be root-bound in their pots. Avoid choosing a pot that is significantly larger than the root system, as this can stunt the plant's growth.
How can you tell if a rubber plant is overwatered?
If the older leaves (usually the largest ones, at the bottom) are becoming yellow or brown, that's a sign of overwatering. Let it dry out fully during longer periods of time between waterings. If the yellow/brown spots are spreading from the inner part of the leaf and out, that's again a sign of overwatering.
How do I know when my rubber plant needs water?
Watering and Fertilizing Your Rubber Plant Watch for droopy leaves, which indicate a need for more water. Leaves that turn yellow and brown and drop signal over-watering. Mist during any season if they air is too dry, especially heated dry air like that which might occur during winter indoors.
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